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January 23, 2008

Hello Myvi...

Hello MyVi !! Ya it's my second day of driving practice and I drove a MyVi. Believe it or not!? Today's driving practice was perfect. Conquer all the basics. On the road, up hill, parking and 3 point turn. Still a little bit unstable but practice makes perfect.

This time I drove over 75km/h and finally got to change for 4th gear. My teacher asked me to relax and slow down. Really impatient and I cut about 2 slow cars today. So ego hor? Cause I know how to drive and it was not my 1st time.

Actually, you got punk'd.. LOL
Driving practice was driving that small kancil for sure...

I drove a Perodua Myvi after I reached back home. Haha. It was my friends car. I was just having a try on his car. Chun car. Anyway manual driving was fun...!!

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