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June 14, 2008

Retro. Blast to the past ?

Firstly, LIMBO? Seriously not my thing. I suck!

To : Interact Club of ARGS 07/08, you all really deserve a credit because your I.U Day is one of the best I.U's I have ever attended, to be frank. For 10bucks I guess it's worth the money paying. It was funny and entertaining. Can make you burst out to laughter! Got free 1 whole BOX of pizza, entrance fee, 2 bottles of retro coca-cola for me some more. Look at all the privileges I got? lol. All thanks to Angie for it.

The youth nowadays have a really creative mind. For an age of 15-17, are able to handle everything themselves to make this event happening and successful, without anyone helping them.
What else can I say ? Bravo!

Lastly, Congrats to all new B.O.D.

P/S : Blow job!? I didn't know blow job is a blast to a past thingy. lol. Itz a joke!

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