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June 21, 2008

We Love Pastry !

Well, these are a part of my group mates! Super Kao crazy and Horny! Being in the kitchen is identical with the feeling you're in the jungle! No joke! Yes, we are indeed playful, but we are serious when comes to doing the cooking, etc. In the end, the product and the results are superb and probably could the best in March intake, culinary arts ! They are my crazy yet professional group mates! In pastry class.

Those are the ones who I am mentioning about a moment ago.

Oh my, We need an electric shaver ! LOL. What's weird is the seniors are watching us posing this.

Everything looks nice when itz a cake! First time doing a cake, great experience.

They called it "Camwhore". Doing it with the cake! Got spoiler behind me but who cares.

Anyhow, We love Pastry class !

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