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January 16, 2010

Digi Internet Pimp My Day Challenge

Joining the fun to support my participating friends group called 1koolz for the Digi Internet Pimp My Day Challenge happening @ MardiGras, One Utama. I can see a lot of people in yellow that day. They are running all over OU to complete task in order to finish the RUN. Many different kinds of task needed to accomplish and I dont have any photos of em cause I was there kinda late.

So don't expect much photos from me. But I have a few! Here you go.

The peoples in yellow @ MardiGras.

Met lama tak jumpa Sarah Goh @ Quicksliver shop. Yumcha soon wei.

Pole dancers doing their thing. Those chicks can earn easy money wei.

KL Stompers in da house. Very nice stomp done by them.

The people winning HP mini each. Wah damn rich wei DIGI.

Adele and Tzia's group in action. LOL. I forgot what's their group name. Anyone remember?

1Koolz won RM1000 voucher of CHILIES! now they can order without worrying about the price.

As and Jojo Struys. I realize I got a lotttt of photos with her.

The bloggers stayed back for the after party. LOL.

Both DJ's, Samuel, Jeffro, Samantha, Justin, Xiang, Myself, Jonathan and Jacquelyn.

Thats all for today. What's next? Astro Beyond/ Kitchen Creatures post !


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