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January 1, 2010

New Year Countdown 2010

Year 2009 has come to an end and HELLO new year 2010 ! A new year with new resolutions, new ME. I can feel that this year is gonna be rocking year compared to 2009. It's my time to shine.

Last night was really fun! I Spent my new year countdown celebration with the Ampang Gang at Vivian's house. It's kinda like a last minute thing, but we manage to make it a successful one. Can't make it to Sam's place cause it's too far for me and I know it will be deadly jam.

I contribute 2 bottles of Vodka and Gin to Vivian's. We drank, played and ate all night long. Stayed over as well till down. Anyway, here are some of the shots taken last night! Wooot!

The girls from left. Vicky, Serra, Suetmei, Cheryl, Vivian and Elaine.

The Guys form left. Bryan, Foong, Myself, Steven, Chris, Nigel, Paul, Joshua and Jaecent.

Group shot BESAR of us !

ME and the hard drinker VickyLeong. lol

2 cameraman was there as well to help out on ur group shots photos. Waimin and Shaunloy.

The usual Ampang gangs. mynjayz, mojoshdotcom, bryanlyt, suetmeiblogspot and vavavroomvivian.

More and more upcoming interesting post to come! thats all for today. Happy new year people!


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