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April 10, 2010

B'day Wishes #MYNJAYZDAY

It's been 2 days after my birthday and I've received many Birthday wishes from all of you. Yes, every single one of you. No matter from Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Calls, Word of mouth or SMS. And I really really appreciate all of it! Means a lot to me. Thank You So Much people. =)

Well, if you're not in the list, no worries. I will still remember you.

Twitter wishes hashtag #mynjayzday by @missycheerio & @tcmaine.

Sorry all my history tweets gone already and cannot be retrieve! paiseh.

Anyway, this is for the Bloggers! Invited guest list are already confirmed. Itz happening tonight!

Thankyou RebeccaSaw for assisting me on this & the sponsors FullhouseCafe & Joshlim !

Also Thank you for those people who celebrated my b'day for me for the pass 2 days. Im so touched. You know who you are. Thank you all once again.

More photos and updates of #MYNJAYZDAY will be out soon.


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