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April 18, 2010

PC FAIR Girls - April 2010

Yes, I went there twice. Once to take photo and do some survey of what to buy and all. Second time went there strictly just to SHOP! Anyway, PC Fair happening at Kl Convention Centre, KL. This time, they sold a lot of cheap stuff. everything is getting cheaper and cheaper. Just that, too many people, had a tough time walking in the crowd. Restless. Might as well just myself to Lowyat and buy. Price wise, not much a difference tho.

Thus, i know you guys only want to see photos. uhuh the PC fair girls. Say HELLOoooo to them!

Tzia and the girls promoting Kaspersky ! 1st booth in pc fair.

Friend Jingrou and the girls @ Philips booth.

Acer girls. The familar faces in PC fair.

My good friend, Audrey's booth. SONY. heh. cute eh she. (right)

Elaine Chua and the girls @ Epson printing booth. And i got to print my photo for free!

From Avira. Purposely set up a stage for these 4 girls.

I know you BOYS love it. LOL. I can see them earlier today, they were spamming their camera with all these chicks. Wasting a lot of shutter count on them. I don't really understand why. You tell me if you know!

More PC Fair Girls photos SOON !


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