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May 26, 2010

Gala Night - Red Carpet Photos of Miss Universe Malaysia 2010

As I promised last week to post pictures from Red Carpet Gala Night Miss Universe Malaysia 2010. Just a brief updates about Miss Universe Malaysia 2010.

Just to refresh your memory who's the tops 3 finalist.

Nadine Ann Thomas, a 23-year old event coordinator. (middle) was crown as the Miss Universe Malaysia 2010. While the first runner-up went to Mourhrna Anneta Reddy, a Model and Law Graduate (left), while Vera Hui an air stewardess was the 2nd runner up (right).

Just before everything started. Here are some Red Carpet photos which is a MUST to check it out. FYI, was the official online partner for Miss Universe Malaysia 2010. Which made me got the chance to cover the whole event and attend the GALA night which tickets was not for sale but only for invited guest.

Red Carpet photos

Grand ballroom which is one of the best i've been to. Kudos MUMO team.

With Host ben Ibrahim interviewing the guest.

Invited guest with Miss Universe Malaysia 2009, JoannaBelle Ng.

Another group shot with her. Ah man, how i wish I was like her. People actually will come to you and say : I want a photo with you. Ahh famous!

Josh Lim as usual the PIMP !

These are the people whom I sat with @ the gala Night.

Niki Cheong from Star and Pn Sri Rebecca Saw oh so pretty she is. You'll rarely see her like that!

Oh thats me and Pn Sri Rebecca.

Dato Jason and Datin Hanie in da house yo.

2 beautiful hard working women whom im working with.

Gala Night MC, the most funniest joker/comedian, Harith Iskandar with Pn Sri Rebecca.

Elvina Chua with Miss Universe Malaysia 2009, JoannaBelle Ng.

Sue Lyn, one of the 18 finalist. With brendan and Pn Sri Rebecca.

Some VIP's or the families of the 18 finalist pagent.

Everyone is taking opportunity to have a photo with Miss Universe Malaysia 2009. lol

Official photographer for MUMO, Andy Kho. I wish i was on his shoes like right now. lol

Sue Lyn, Xiang Yee, Vera Hui and Katherine Ng.

MUMO 10 Advertlets best blogger, Chow Xiang Yee with Boss Joshlim.

That's all for today. More coming up soon! Meantime, do stay tune for tomorrow's post. Hennessy Artistry 2009-2010 rewind, 2 day series !

PS : This weekend I foresee It's gonna be an awesome weekend. Keep track on my updates on twitter.


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