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May 30, 2008

Gastronomic Tourism Conference 2008


Erm, recently my college
had organized the very first dining tourism conference at KDU College’s School of Hospitality and Tourism in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by our celebrity chef Zamzani Abdul Wahab, popularly known as “Chef Zam,”. He is the senior chef there. The 2008 Gastronomic Tourism Conference will highlight molecular gastronomy, a method of cooking using scientific principles. Presenting chefs include Heiko Antoniewicz, a German chef who has created menus for Prince Harald of Norway and the U.K.’s Queen Elizabeth and author of “Finger Foods. And it will be shown in AFC ( Asian Food Channel ) sooner or later I suppose. Cause it is sponsored by AFC based on what I saw from the sponsorship section in KDU college. So, I assume I will be spotted on TV if it's really on AFC. lol.

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