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December 2, 2008

Visage Souriant =)

Yesterday, around 8pm. I've spotted 2 bright stars and a smiling moon in the dark sky. Thus, it creates a Smiling Face / Visage Souriant. ( French ) Wanna see how it looks like ? lol. Here you go.

This is my first time seeing it and I think it's kinda like a once in a life time thing la. Those people who saw it I hope u enjoy it as for those who didn't manage to see it, hope u will see it in the future. I hope so. Or just treat that you've seen it from this photo. lol.

But, I haven't seen an
eclipse before in my life. Wanted to see it so badly ! But I don't know when the next eclipse will appear since it appeared like 13 years ago. Well, the only eclipse I've seen before is in the popular TV series, Heroes.


This is something special !

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